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Vesktop Mica

A basic transparency import to make Acrylic/Mica/Tabbed effects visible
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Accent Swap

A snippet that makes it simple to swap the Accent/Brand color of Discord
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Account Details Grid

A refresh to the now archived "account details columns" snippet
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Better "Authorized Apps" Tab

A redesign to the Authorized app cards, as well as a counter at the top of the tab
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Better Floating Editor for BetterDiscord

Redesign of BetterDiscord's floating editor, with unlocked max width and height
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Better Modals

A redesign to the classic Discord modals, giving them a new breath of life
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Better Nitro Profile Borders

Gets rid of the unsightly outer 4px border/padding and replaces it with a gradient border around the user info area, like in Discord RN
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Better Status Picker

A redesign to the simple status picker that gives each button an accent that matches the status, as well as condensing the UI
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Better Windows Titlebar

A redesign to the original Windows titlebar, making it bigger, as well as giving it the functionality of displaying custom tags, eg: for Colorways
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Consistent Chatbar

A snippet that artificially makes the chatbar look like a continuous user area
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Declutter Bar

A modified version of the "Better Titlebar" snippet, that moves the channel actions (the bar above the chat) inside the titlebar
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Disable Picture-in-picture

Allows you to hide the Pictire-in-picture (Not-detached) window without stopping playback in activities like YouTube
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Discord Teal Brand

Changes all "brand-hsl" values for "teal-hsl"
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Free Nitro Profile

A replica of the nitro profile customization system
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DaBluLite's Horizontal Server List

A different impementation of Gibbu's original HSL snippet
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Immersive Mode

A snippet combining the minimalistic approach of DeclutterBar's titlebar, and the lack thereof
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macOS Titlebar

A replica of the macOS traffic lights
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Hotfix for the Nitro Themes

Hotfix that styles the previously unstyled areas when using Nitro Themes
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Nitro-like Profiles

A redesign on the classic profile popups inspired by the nitro profiles
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A combined Guild bar and User area
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Pretty Folder Icons

Makes the expanded folder icons white and their backgrounds colored
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Servers List

A fully working server list with labels
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Spotify Activity (& Controls for Vencord) Redesign

A simple redesign for the Spotify activity portions in user popouts and Vencord's Spotify Controls to match the actual Spotify UI
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Super User Area

Yet another User area redesign, this time aiming to unify Discord's main actions (Home, Account, Settings, etc...)
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CSS Snippets

A repo with all of my CSS snippets for Discord, Vesktop and BetterDiscord.